Fairview Missionary School

"We love because He First Loved Us." 1 John 4:19

The mission of Hope for Home is to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Through time many missionaries and organizations have joined forces to meet the needs o the people in this region.  The priority is to give them the opportunity to receive eternal life we are so blessed to share.  The Jesus Loves Me Center has brought health back to the people here .  Safe Haven Village has given the homeless widows and orphans a home.  Fairview Missionary school is educating the next generation for the hope of a better future.

School Operation


The ministry is growing and changing.  Stay up to date by reading the monthly updates.

Child Sponsorships

$40 Sponsorships

Sponsor a child’s education so that they can learn about God and the world He created as well as quality instruction.

Ministry Roadmap


The mission started as a three legged ministry.  The missionary that had a vision for this plan is Don Riley.  Here you can learn the origins of this ministry.

FMS in Denta town, Liberia

He called, we answered. Romans 8:28

Fairview Missionary school is a ministry reaching impoverished children and families for Jesus, while ensuring a quality education to learn reading, writing, math, science and social studies.  We have recently added art and a time for PE and music.  There are currently 241 students in grades K1- 6th grade.  There are 21 Godly teachers in place to teach, and a principal and vice principal on the ground to ensure education is focused on achieving academic skills and learning to love our Lord.  Any donations that are made here, will go to support the growth of God’s mission in this region.

five children smiling while doing peace hand sign

— How You Can Help

A lot is going on

Raising money for these projects must be timely, we will need another classroom for 7 th grade next year. Where will we put them? Rainy season starts in July through October and makes it very difficult for anything to be delivered. So if this is a goal for 2025/2026 school year. We will need to collect approximately $30,000 by February 2025 so the plans and the order for materials and delivery can be completed before June.

— Contact Us

We will respond quickly

If you are interested in fairview missionary school and would like to connect with us, the best way is by filling out the contact form. Spam bots are crazy these days, and this helps us connect directly with our supports. Contact us and we will get back to you shortly!

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